Device Management agent

Implement a device management agent based on Transmission / OpenShift’s Machine Config Daemon implementing the Device Management Service’s API.

HNS – Hybrid Network Stack

Hybrid Networking Stack (HNS) is a new approach to high performance Cloud Native networking which uses in-Kernel eBPF technologies advancements, specifically XDP and AF_XDP, as well as the Cloud Native Data Plane (CNDP) framework, to provide a cloud native Linux based...


This project uses efficient eBPF probers to monitor various perf counters, kernel scheduling parameters, and system configurations to expose energy consumptions by each container and Pod, through Prometheus metrics provider API. These metrics can be used for customer...

Ansible Automation Hub Sigstore Integration

The Ansible Automation Hub Sigstore Integration project has three main objectives: 1. Implement a new type of managed credentials and verification logic for verifying Sigstore signatures on Ansible projects during project syncs on the automation controller. 2. Sign...
Keylime operator on OpenShift

Keylime operator on OpenShift

Keylime is already a supported project in RHEL, but for OpenShift there are some complications and bootstrapping hurdles that make it difficult for non-experts to setup. This effort will work with the upstream Keylime community to design, execute and test the...